This filing system makes it easy to organize worksheets and information week by week, and be ready to grab them on the go! It was a helpful resource for us last year because I literally had a glance of our whole week in one hand (or one file at a time).
If you like to tear worksheets out rather than keep them in the book, this will work wonders for your life. And if you have multiple kids, it will keep you extra organized each week.
Here’s what you need:
- 1-2 Metal hanging file boxes from here, depending on how many kids you have.
- 36 pack of files, color coded for multiple kids here
- 36 labeled hanging files here
I liked this system because it is a tangible way to see what lies ahead for the week. You open it up, and have a week at a glance. By mid-week, it is easy to assess how much you have accomplished, and how much you’d still like to get done before the end of the week. Plus, it makes it easy to roll-over unfinished work by simply placing it in next weeks folder, and boom, your ready to tackle it on Monday! The upfront leg work of preparing the filing system can take 1 to a few days, depending on how many kids you have. It took me 3 days for 4 kids. Lastly, I needed 2 metal boxes. I would get 1 box per 2 kids for your family.

Here’s what I did:
- Label the hanging folders by week. I labeled mine “Week 1,” Week 2,” ect. I also typed them and printed, then cut them out to fit in the label holders… it was more time consuming, but I liked the look better than my handwriting. It’s not necessary to print them if you don’t want to!
- Label the file folders by week. I used 4 colors for my files, one for each of my 4 kids. So for week 1, I had a blue, purple, green and pink file, each labeled “WK 1”, and I placed those 4 files in the hanging file for “Week 1”. Then continued with 4 files labeled “WK 2” and placed those in the hanging “Week 2” file. I continued this for all 36 weeks.
- Pick one child to start with. I chose my youngest. Take out their folders and prepare to fill them.
- Lay out their curriculum for the year, and go through one book at a time. For example, we use Math U See for math. I tore out all the sheets I wanted her to complete for week 1, and placed them in WK 1 folder. Then continued tearing and placing in weeks until I got to 30 weeks (That’s when MUS stops a workbook). Repeat with all workbooks you want to organize.
- Return all files to matching Week’s hanging files. Boom, high five! One kid down!
- Repeat with other kids if needed!
I hope and pray this system blesses you and your family! It sure did bless us last year! Let us know how it goes for you, and may God bless your homeschool year!
~ Nikki
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