Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew. I was not paid to write this review but asked to give an honest critique. I pray it is helpful and beneficial to all who read it!
I’m a huge advocate for reading the Bible in context. You just should. And part of placing Scripture in its appropriate context not only involves reading it within the entirety of the passage, but also taking time to understand many of the background elements like who wrote it, who was the intended audience, when did they write it, and how does it fit within the purpose of the whole book.
It can also be difficult to find all the answers to these questions without a bit of research. But I found that Bible Blueprints by Teach Sunday School is a fantastic resource to put the context of each book of the Bible at your fingertips.
I’m currently going through a study of the book of Mark with my small group, and the Bible Blueprint for that book has been great to keep next to me while I’m reading. It breaks down verses into chunks to give you a big picture idea of what the author is talking about. It also helps me keep in mind the basic overarching background information of the book each time I’m reading.

Not only does it help me understand the book better, but it also helps me retain all that information because it is laid out in an easy to read and visually appealing way. I love that I don’t feel overwhelmed with information, yet confident that I’m getting the background knowledge I need and want. It is the perfect addition for my personal devotion time each day.
The Bible Blueprints come in a downloadable PDF, and you can get either the Old Testament, New Testament or both! I found these to be a wonderful study tool and would highly recommend a set for anyone studying God’s Word.
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