Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew. I was not paid to write this review but asked to give an honest critique. I pray it is helpful and beneficial to all who read it!
My 12 year old daughter and I have the best relationship we’ve ever had. And I’m not lying when I say it took us 12 years to get here. It has been a bumpy ride of high emotions, hurtful words, forgiveness and healing, learning and growing and repeating it all over and over. And by God’s amazing grace, we have persevered through the trials and are dedicated more than ever to communicate, listen and discern the lies in our relationships and the truths we need to believe.
We’ve had some great resources over the past few years, filled with biblical guidance that have brought much understanding and blessing to our relationship with our daughter. And just recently, I was introduced to Lies Girls Believe and A Mom’s Guide to Lies Girls Believe by True Girl, and it has been such a beautiful gift to our family.
Over the years, my husband and I have desperately wanted to connect with Elizabeth and better understand her emotions and behaviors. In hindsight, she was never a bad kid (though I know Satan used my frustration to lead me to think that), she was dealing with issues deep down on a heart level and they were being shown through her behavior. We were always quick to address the behavior, try to fix it any way we can, without taking time to work on her heart.
Lies Girls Believe and A Mom’s Guide to Lies Girls Believe is the mother daughter connection and Bible study we have been looking for.

How they work…
These are books that are meant to be done together. And that is the best part! You read the chapters in union with each other. So as she reads chapter 1, I read chapter 1 in my book. The Mom’s Guide shares a little of what your daughter is reading, it provides more depth to the subject, then gives prompts to review Scripture and write prayers or notes on how you can apply the new information. You also are prompted to review what your daughter writes in her book with her and discuss her answers.
Your daughter’s book goes through different topics following a friend, Zoey. With Zoey, your daughter is challenged to think through “lies” presented through scenarios with Zoey, and your daughter has opportunities to offer advice to how Zoey should handle the situations. There is also a lot of biblical teaching on the issues being presented, so your daughter is learning what God’s Word says about it all.
It has been an incredible eye-opener for us. You get this great insight into your daughters heart by her answers to the questions in each chapter. Then the best part, you have a wonderful opportunity to talk to her about it, ways to pray for her, and grow in ways to better parent her as God intended. I share each chapter with my husband so he is also on the same page and we can help guide our daughter in planting seeds of truth in her heart together.
Great Quality
The quality of writing in these books is fantastic. There are real-life examples from mothers and daughters Dannah has met, the Scripture references are relevant to the topics being talked about and the advice and guidance in the Mom’s Guide has been incredibly impactful in my life and relationship with my daughter.
The physical books themselves are great, sturdy quality. The pages in both books are colorful, bright, a thick glossy finish, and large print easy to read. There are a lot of pictures, which make it great for visual examples with the explanations.

A funny story…
When my daughter Elizabeth was 8 years old, we went to a True Girl event called Secret Keeper Girl in our town, and it was amazing! At that time, I picked up some resources they had about teaching our daughters modesty in today’s culture. And some great mother daughter date ideas 🙂 Who knew, that years later, I would find them again and this pair of books would bless us so much!

Ultimately, the world is after our daughters (and sons) hearts. They are being fed lies about what they should believe about themselves. They are not who the world says they are, they are who God says they are – chosen, loved, redeemed, made perfect in His image, a daughter of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. If you have a tween girl, these books will bless you immensely. You will be provided wisdom and guidance in teaching your daughter the truths she needs to hear, and helping her plant them deep down in the roots of her belief system. The fruits of your labor will last her lifetime.
Be sure to see how other families are using Lies Girls Believe and A Mom’s Guide to Lies Girls Believe at the Homeschool Review Crew website!
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